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Case Bundle Logos

i-Human Patients is a medical education startup in Silicon Valley. Their main product is a tool for medical students to develop their diagnostic skills with cases that include virtual patients. Different clients were requesting cases in one of two categories: Graduate Nursing or Medicine. The marketing team asked for two logos so they could offer case bundles to the different programs.


I placed a medical inspired pattern that I created in the background of both logos to be consistent with the i-Human brand and unite the logos as a set.

The concept for the Graduate Nursing logo was to represent a person focused approach to medicine. I incorporated the little person from the main i-Human Patients logo and added the heart to represent medicine. For the Medicine logo, I also repurposed the person from the i-Human Logo, and turned him into the Staff of Asclepius, a universal symbol of medicine that would be recognizable to our international clients.

i-Human Patients

Case Bundle Logos

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